New Song - Kartellen "Skånegatan 365"
Kartellen has released a new song that you can download exclusively
@ mah HomeGirl Melika´s Blog (
Its the story of one of theyr friends here in Gothenburg City
that sat in a cell @ the police station in Skånegatan for 18 months
and was later convicted guilty and served another 5 years.
The acusations wore more or less false and thanks to this corrupt
country we live in this man lost five years of his daughters life and growth.
I´ve sat in the interrogation room of that police station falsely
acused for money fraud and had @ the time a 1 year old daughter.
I was about to flip out thinking of what would happen if they
decided to fuck with me and separate me from my daughter and family.
But I was lucky and was justified as innocent.
But the system messes arround with whom it wishes to
as long as we allow this to go on.
If more people would start to learned the most basic of laws then
they would know that some of the things policemen do are actually
illegal even for them during duty.
And with this knowledge we should start cuestioning theyr authorities
and just as they try to control us start to control them as well.
You can listen to the song below here but you can only
download it @ Melikas Blog
@ mah HomeGirl Melika´s Blog (
Its the story of one of theyr friends here in Gothenburg City
that sat in a cell @ the police station in Skånegatan for 18 months
and was later convicted guilty and served another 5 years.
The acusations wore more or less false and thanks to this corrupt
country we live in this man lost five years of his daughters life and growth.
I´ve sat in the interrogation room of that police station falsely
acused for money fraud and had @ the time a 1 year old daughter.
I was about to flip out thinking of what would happen if they
decided to fuck with me and separate me from my daughter and family.
But I was lucky and was justified as innocent.
But the system messes arround with whom it wishes to
as long as we allow this to go on.
If more people would start to learned the most basic of laws then
they would know that some of the things policemen do are actually
illegal even for them during duty.
And with this knowledge we should start cuestioning theyr authorities
and just as they try to control us start to control them as well.
You can listen to the song below here but you can only
download it @ Melikas Blog