Upcoming Interview With Ken Ring & DJ 2MUCH!

This Sunday I´m meeting up with Ken Ring and DJ 2MUCH
to make an interview with both of them.
I need some one to help me out so who could be better then
my own homeboy Gatutalang.
They will be performing @ Högtrycks Festivalen in Mölndal

Here below you can see the poster for the event.
It is only for people between 13 - 19 years though
but 2MUCH is a friend of mine so he hooked me up
with Ken Ring and Backstage Passes.
This is going to be sick.

Pato Pooh @ Gislaved!

Check out my boy Pato Pooh´s show @ Gislaved


Jag skriver detta på svenska för en gångs skull för det verkar
som att antingen så förstår inte vissa personer Engelska.
Eller så läser dom inte ordentligt vad jag skriver.

Jag har blivit informerad om att vissa personer (som jag kan
gissa vilka det är) har berättat för en annan bloggare som
jag respekterar till det fullaste.
Att jag har plagierat hela dennes blogg och idéer samt projekt.

Jag visste att folk skulle börja göra detta när jag väl berättade
att Gatutalang hade satt mig som hans "Manager".
Men där här ni nyckel ordet, det var HAN som bad MIG.

Och jag förstår att folk kan tro att dett är något nytt som jag är ny inom
och att jag endast gick med på det för att min bloggar kollega gör det.
Men jag var i Event och Artist branschen långt innan jag ens var en
HipHop Bloggare.

Men då dedikerade jag mig endast till den latinska musik industrin
så det kan vara därför ni som inte känner mig tror att jag är
en helt ny karaktär inom detta.
Men Gatutalang känner mig personligen och han visste att jag gjorde
detta och därför bad han mig att göra det.

Men en manager tar provision av sina klienter, jag gör inte det.

Jag får betalt genom att vara Gatutalangs + en annan artist som kallas
för ENC´s DJ.
Med andra ord så är jag SUBORDINÄR till dom.

Sedan så kan jag anta detta med att folk tror det var min idé att Gatutalang
ska släppa sin mixtape dom närmaste månaderna.
Likadant som min kollegas artist har lovat att släppa sin mixtape.

Gatutalang hade sin mixtape planerat långt innan han ens kände mig så
detta har ännu än gång inget med mig att göra.

Musik Video?
Ja dett gör JAG gratis ÅT Gatutalang just för att JAG KAN DET och för att
alla artister gör förr eller senare en musik video.
att göra en musik video är inget nytt så jag kan omöjligtvis ha plagierat
den idén.

Jag har även begäran från två andra artister att göra musik videos åt dom.
Plagierar dom också eller?

Och nu ska jag berätta en liten grej som är från mitt liv som DJ.
ENC som jag är DJ åt har blivit signad och har bett mig åka med honom på
hans turné i vissa E.U länder och då tyckte jag att det var ett perfekt
läge att fullfölja ett projekt som jag planerade för FEM ÅR SEDAN!
Att göra en dokumentär om Graffiti´n.

Jag kände inte ens min kollega vid den tiden och detta kan då omöjligtvis
ha varit plagierat.
Med andra ord. Det jag gör är inget som ingen annan inte redan har gjort.
Men bara för att en annan person som folk relaterar mig med bara för att
jag hjälpt denna person att göra en reportage gör något liknande.
Så betyder det inte att jag att jag härmar den personen.

Jag har redan informerat att allt som har med Gatutalang att göra som
min Klient kommer att komma upp i en annan "VLOG" inte blogg.

Ni får gjärna fortsätta med era opinioner, därför älskar jag det här så
kallade fria landet.
Men vill ni ha riktiga svar så fråga mig så att ni får konkreta tankar och
inte halv sanna spekulationer.


This is my last update for today because I will be at the
Hammarkulle Carneval all day.
It´s Swedens biggest carneval with between 40 000
to 60 000 visitors on just three days every year.

So if you Live in Gothenburg or near go to the Carneval
in Hammarkullen.
You won´t regret it!
Food´s, dance´s, music and people from all over the world
gather every year in this suburb and enjoy the best that
the world can offer.

And if you see me there, holla at me.

Gatutalang Trailer!

Here is the trailer for the Gatutalang Interview!

The Gatutalang Teaser Out Tonight!

Since Gatutalang and I are starting our new Vlog Series Next Week.
I decided not to release the interview or other video footages yet
because they will also be a part of the series.

But tonight I will Upload a Teaser/Trailer from the crazy day I had with him.
So keep yourself updated so see some out takes later on.

The Reveal of My Artists!

So as you might guess from the foto.
Gatutalang asked me during our inteview last tuesday to
be his manager.
The question came out of the blue and was a big surprise
to me because being a manager shows the trust he has in me.

But let me tell you what big plans we have for this talented
up and coming rapper from Gothen City!
This June we are going to be recording a street video with
the first single from his mixtape that will be released soon!
The video will show all sides of Gothenburg City, some of
GBG´s best rappers will be appearing as well.

If you whant to be on the video or contribute with something,
I will soon tell you what kind of people we need or what things!

Secong of all!
Gatutalang and I will be starting a new Vlog together where
we show you the regular day of several of Gothenburgs rappers.
Two or three times a week we are going to head out to the
streets and meet up with well known artists and film it.

And this is just the tip of the Iceberg!
We have a lot more to reveal but we will let you know when it is
time for those proyects.

So I recommend you to check out Gatutalangs Blog here below:
Gatutalang - El Talento

Donate And Support Swedish HipHop!

Seriously people!
This is one of the biggest attempts in Swedish history to try and
unite the divided Culture that this country sadly enough has.
So I suggest that you guys go and donate to the Du Vet Inte
Nordea bank account by klicking here below:

Donate even if it´s just 20 S.E.K!
It doesn´t matter, if many people donate a little that will be a big amount!

Very Soon!

The Gatutalang interview will be up TODAY!
So Keep updated, the other parts of the day will be up later!
There you will see Gatutalangs crib, meet some of the Killa Clowns
and see when Gatutalang get´s a tattoo!

Don´t miss it!

News - Welcome To The Family!

An artists that I know has asked me to be his manager.
I seriously belive in this artist and believe that you will
be hearing a lot from him this summer.
We already have the whole package planned!
I´ve already started making the plans for his first
street video, the mixtape will be out soon and we already
have a couple of giggs booked up with a crazy show.

Who is this artist you might ask yourself?
I´m not going to reveal that untill we have done some more things.
But as fast as we work I don´t think it will take long.

Anyways he has a new song that he will be releasing soon
that I personally belive will be this summers hit banger.
So keep yourself updated to find out who this mysterious
artist is.

Upcoming Interview With DJ 2MUCH!

What many people forget in HipHop Blogs is that HipHop
is a culture and not just a music genre.
Wich means that there are many different ways of expressing
yourself in the HipHop lifestyle.

HipHop is NOT just rappers!
So that´s why I interview HipHop artists from all aspects within
this culture.
That means rappers, dancers, DJ´s, graffiti artists etc.

Now for the 6:th of june I am going to interview one of my
favorite DJ´s and its no one else than DJ 2MUCH!
And not just that.
If we are lucky I might even make an interview with one of
Swedish HipHop´s Godfather´s.
The rapper known as Ken Ring!

So there you have another reason to keep reading my blog.
Climbing every day!

New Music - XZibit "Phenom"

Sneak Peak On Todays Interview!

You are the First ones to see Gatutalangs New Tattoo!!!
Big Shout out to Afra that made this MAD first official Tattoo.

The video footage and the interview will be up soon...
I actually have so much material that I will make a mini series
of this.

Busy Bee!

This summer is going to be one of my busiest!
I´m going to reveal my plans to you guys.

First of all I have a couple of interviews planned with
Allyawan, Gatutalang, Sick Art (With Another Known Rapper),
Kaanquest, DJ Levis and others.

Then as a very few of you know, I also work as a DJ and
a very good friend of mine called ENC.
Has chosen me to be his official DJ and I will be traveling
with him through some parts of Europe on his tour.

And we will also be performing here in Sweden as
warm up for the group Crossfire.

This summer I will also start a proyect that I´ve bin
planning for 5 years.
I will make a documentary on the art of graffiti.
And how the main media tries to trash talk it by categorizing
it together with regular wall drawings.
This will be filmed during my travel through Europe and
I will be interviewing known people from the HipHop
community in theyr countries.
On what theyr opinion of this is.

Also before I start my journey in July I will arrange one big
event that for now will remain secret.
But let me tell you this ... It will be FREE and it will be out doors

News - Make Your Questions To Allyawan!

As you might know Allyawan agreed on making an interview
for the SwagLikeThis Blog.
So now you have a chance to ask him what ever you want!
Send me your questions to: [email protected]

I will try to ask him as many of your questions as possible.
And he also said that he has some new info that he wants
to share with you guys.

So send me you questions!
It can be more than one question and I´ll try to include
them in the interview if it is possible.

New Music - Rufi´Yo Florentino "U Should Know"

I know this isn´t Swedish HipHop!

But I just liked this song so much that I had to share it with you guys.

It´s Rufi-Yo Florentino and he just released his first music video

called "U Should Know"

And I´m pretty sure that I´m the first one in Sweden putting

up this song. Enjoy!


SwagLikeThis TV - Stor & Medina Live!

Pic´s From Yesterday + Upcoming Interview!

Here are some of the pictures that I took yesterday!
More will be up as soon as I´m done editing the Video.

And also I finally set the date for my interview with Gatutalang.
I will be interviewing him on a one on one session
on tuesday!

Yesterdays After Show Activitys

Whant to know who else was on spot yesterday?
It´s no one else than Allyawan whom I managed to agree
on a interview as soon as possible.
Because he has some stuff that he whants you to know about.

I also saw one of my favorite DJ´s - DJ Levis.
Whom might also agree on a interview, we´ll know soon.

And until I edit together all the video footage from yesterday,
here you have some street spittin´ with Stor and Allyawan.

Interview With Gatutalang @ Mariaplan!

Look at this interview that the boys over at Mariaplan did
with my boy Gatutalang!
Now if you ask me as a journalist I do not like this interview.
Because it isn´t really a interview, they are just asking random
questions and not going into detail in Gatutalang as an artist that much.
But still for the regular viewer it might do ok.

Anyways I´ve bin planning on making a new interview with Gatutalang
and both his boys Bob Village and Nato.
But this time go more into detail in who they are both as people and artists.
And not record it through bambuser but with my HD cam and record the
sound with my H2 Recording Microphone in a more relaxed enviroment.

Stuff From The Old Blog! #1

Some old pics from the P3 Guld Gala + After Party

Plans For Today!

So today I´m going to 1200 kvadrat in Frölunda to
see Medina and Stor performing Live.
As you might know I´ve already interviewed Stor
and met Medina @ the P3 Guld Gala.

So if you are in the neighborhood go to 1200 kvadrat
a.k.a fågelhuset in Frölunda, it just costs 80 SEK.

New Music - Medina "Allez"

Download The Song Here!

Support Swedish HipHop!

The blog Du Vet Inte is going to make a mini tour through Sweden to complete the
missing material for the "En Resa Genom HipHop Sverige" documentary.

But they need your help!

You can donate what ever amount of money to sponsor theyr trip and support this
proyect to bring Swedish HipHop one step closer to unity.

To donate and more info about wich citys they are going to stop by, klick on the logo above.

Tips and Tricks!

OK, so what I´ve noticed is that there are a lot of free programs
to download for PC´s but people that have MAC´s have a little
more difficult to find programs for theyr cumputers.
Since I use a Mac I had to look hard before I found programs that
could work well for me, so here I´m giving you some tips.

Music/Video Downloads:

This program actually works for both Mac´s and PC´s.
What you can do with this program is download both Video´s
and even extract the audio by applying a URL link from YouTube.
You can even use it to convert videos/audios to other formats
and change the size of the image.

To download this program just klick on the logo above!

Live Cam Streaming FX:

If you stream videos live with for example Bambuser or Stickam,
this is a great option to add effects and texts to the video.
One bad thing is that if you have an older version than
Mac OS X 10.4 the latest version of CamTwist wont work on
your computer.
All you have to do is search for a little older version of the program
and it will work perfectly with your Mac.

This program is 100% free and only works with Mac computers.

Please do not use these tips to brake any laws or copyrights

New Music - Kaninen "Vad Har Jag Gjort För Fel"

"Kaninen" has recently released a song called Vad Har Jag Gjort För Fel.
And if you ask me it is a pretty cool song because I think that everybody
has or will feel like this.
At least some of the things he mentions.

Who do you think "Kaninen" is? Please Comment...

Busy Weekend!

Today I was supposed to release the Sick Art interview but there
was just too many things to do this weekend.
But I did have time to get some new stuff!

This is the new Tripod I bought, so happy.

I hate spending money on clothes but these where defnitely worth it.
And they where cheap, the blue one cost 99kr and the black cost 39kr
@ NewYorker in Frölunda, Gothenburg City!
I recomend that store for all who whant to buy good looking clothes for cheap.

Anyways I have to edit the interview now so I hope you all have a great Mothers Day!

New Tripod + Looking for Camera Man/Woman

Today I bought a new tripod because im tired of my videos looking
bad because of my unsteady hands.
Although my camera isn´t as big or expensive as the one in the picture.

This summer I am starting a new proyect and I am looking for people
that whant to volunteer as camera men/women.

There is no money involved in this, just the will to enhance the truth
about HipHop culture in Gothenburg.
If you are interested and whant to be a part of this, you can e-mail
me for more info at: [email protected]

Since we will be going sometimes to clubs and may be out working
at any hour of the day you have to be 18 years or more and live in
the Gothenburg area.

Meeting With Artimez

Im meeting up with artimez in a couple of hours to interview him.
My mind is blanc as usual and I can´t think of any questions to make,
but I usualy come up with stuff right on the spot.
If you whant to make your questions to him you can do so by e-mailing
me at: [email protected]

Did I Forget to Tell You?

I forgot to add one artist to the list of interviews that I have
made through the past years.
It is one of my idols untill this day and it is no one else than
Advance Patrols very own DJ Lucutz.

I´ve had a good contact with him since I interviewed him and even
talked about bringing him to Gothenburg for some events.
But there has always bin something in my way.

Artimez who I am going to interview tomorrow asked me last Sunday
who my favorite DJ´s where since I told him that I am also a DJ.
The only name that popped up in my head was DJ Skee,
but now thinking about it DJ Skee is only the newest one in the line.
My role models as a DJ are mostely Lucutz and another DJ from
England called DJ Angelo.

For you who whant to learn basic scratching and maby become DJ´s,
Angelo has some great tutorials that explain everything you need to
know in detail. He tells you everything from what the different scratches
are called to practical tips like how to arrange your record needles.

You can watch his videos by klicking the link below:
DJ Angelo´s YouTube Page

New Music - N.M.E "Where You At"

Due to the delay of his netplays release, N.M.E has decided to release another
sneak peak called "Where You At" ft. Marius.
You can listen to it by clicking the link below:

Interviews - Parham (9 Minutes Uncut)

I know that some of you don´t know who he is.
Some others have asked me non stop when the interview will be up.
And now here it is ladys and gentlemen, The Parham P Interview
with 9 minutes of uncut video footage!

I know I said that it would be on Vimeo but FUCK VIMEO for making me pay
to get this video ahead in line for uploading and then still making you guys
wait for more than 3 hours!
The quality in youtube might not be as good but at least it uploads fast.


News - The Parham Interview Releases Tonight!

Thats Right!
I´m releasing the interview tonight.

So be sure to keep yourself updated for the almost 10 minute long
uncut version of my interview with Parham.
Since the youtube quality sucks I am going to upload the video
through vimeo because the real quality is a lot better then what you
saw on the teaser I released.

Good HipHop?

So I was checking out the DuVetInte blog to see whats new
in the Stockholm area when I notices that Melika has put
my link in the "Good HipHop" square.

Considering that there are names like Ametist Azordegan in it.
I consider it like a big compliment coming from one of Swedish
HipHop´s biggest blogers right now.

She wrote to me yesterday in Facebook and told me that she noticed
the intro that I used in the Parham interview teaser.
I told her that it was inspired from her own intro.
Melika is a big inspiration to me and I consider her a good friend,
maby even as my mentor in some ways.

And I will never try to compete against her!

List of Interviews

I thought that you guys might be interested in what artists I have interviewed.
So here I´m giving you a short list.

DJ Blass: One of the pioneers of Reggaeton and Spanish HipHop.
I´ve interviewed him on both of his visits to Sweden.
Reference: http://swaglikethis.ning.com/profiles/blogs/dj-blass-ay-caramba

STOR: One of Swedish HipHop´s biggest names right now.
I interviewed him both before and after he won Best HipHop/Soul on "P3 Guld".

Pato Pooh: Grammy Nominated for Best Swedish Music Video.
I interviewed him together with STOR on the "P3 Guld" gala.
Reference: http://swaglikethis.ning.com/profiles/blogs/p3-guld-galan-interview-with

J-Son: Another Grammy Nominated Artist.
He too was interviewed by me on the "P3 Guld" gala.
Reference: http://swaglikethis.ning.com/profiles/blogs/p3-guld-galan-behind-the

Parham: Swedish rapper from Gothenburg City.
The interview with him will be up soon, he is also one of my favorite artists right now.
Reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMPZ3dSoegg

News - Upcoming Interview "Sick Art"

I talked to Artimez yesterday and we agreed on a time an place for an interview.
It will be fun to see what he has to say because I haven´t seen any real
interview made with him where he gets to explain his thoughts and opinions.
But first I have to finish the interview with Parham before I can release this one.

We decided that this interview also would be recorded and not Live.
so if you whant to make your questions to him you will have to sen them to my e-mail.

[email protected]

Parham Interview (Teaser)

Here is a smal teaser from the interview I made with Parham
last Sunday. The full version will be out soon, I just have to
remaster the sound and put on translations.

I have just uploaded it so it might take a while before the quality gets better.

News - Ice Cube "New Album Coming Up"

Ice Cube has released his new single "I Rep That West" from his upcoming
album called "I Am The West" wich will be released on July 13th, 2010.
You can listen to the single @ his website: WWW.ICECUBE.COM

Here below you can see the trailer to his upcoming video being premiered
on Yahoo.com on May 10:th.

A Living Martyr of HipHop - DuVetInte

Many greetings have bin sent, many thoughts have bin floating.
The thing with me and hospitals is that I just can´t take it.
It´s heartbreaking for me to see a person that was standing strong
and proud the last time I saw him/her, lying on a hospital bed.
I didn´t visit my mother when she had cancer, I didn´t visit my father
when he had kidney stones.
I didn´t visit my brother when he was in the hospital.
And I proberbly wont take any visits the day I will lay there.

Melika I´m really happy for your recovery!
And I know that there is still some hard work to go through.
I hope you didn´t take my silence as a sign of unimportance,
but if you see things from my side it is a sign of respect for you.

I can´t accept in my mind you being ill, that Melika doesn´t exist
in my eyes.
The only Melika I´ve known is the Proud and down to earth kind.

Hope to see you soon on your feet.

A Day With Parham P + Sick Art

As I told you eralier today I went down town to meet upp with Parham.
What I didn´t count with was him inviting me to hang out with him
after the interview.
I got to see what kind of person he really was, although I already had
my conclusions from before, I found myself to be right.
We later met up with Artimez (Sick Art) from Killa Clowns wich was
even more unexpected in my plans of today.
For you who don´t know Artimez is only 14 years old and is one of the
sickest rappers already, roaming the streets of Gothenburg City.
I was planning on "killing two birds with a stone" and ask him som questions.
But it ended up with him asking me a lot of questions about the blog
and my opinion on diferent artists.
It´s fun to have the tables turned for once.
The interview will be up really soon and even before that I am going to
upload a small teaser.
I might do that later today.

Anyways, here is a Music Video including Artemiz wich was made by the
Eneles boys whom I also met today.
Yeah! Making connections.

It´s a Lovely Day!

The sun is shining and and in two hours I´m going to meet
Parham to make an interview with him downtown.
I´ve done several interviews with both big names and unknown,
but I´ve never prepared what I am going to ask them.
I´ve always improvised, but today I´m actually nervous to
make a misstake.
But it was a good idea not making the interview Live.
Well I hope that you take advantage of this beautyful weather
and take a walk in the sun, at least here in Gothenburg City.

Here is a song to get you in the mood of the day.

News - Interview With Parham Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the Big Day my people!
Unfortunately Its going to be a regular interview and not a "Street Talk"
segment where we would usually go LIVE!
But you can still make your questions by mailing them to:

[email protected]

I will try to put up the interview as soon as possible for all of you to see.
It´s still going to be a video interview, it´s just not going to be LIVE.

Well here below I´m leaving you with a little parody I did today
to celebrate that my daughter got baptised today. Enjoy!

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