SwagLikeThis TV - Broshan "Snippets"!
SwagLikeThis TV - Road Trip to 331 Wernamo!

Monday 27:th, Broshan, Dado and I drove down to the
331 Wernamo studio to hook up a studio session with Hurricane.
We all had a great time and they recorded about 5 tracks in just that day.
Here is a short version from the over 40 minutes long video material
that I recorded that day.
Mad props to Hurricane, 331 Wernamo, Anduena, Broshan, Dado and DrBlood
for a great time and a sick studio session.
SwagLikeThis TV - "Hur E Läget Brorsan" (B.T.S)
It´s finally here!
The behind the scenes from the last video shooting day
for the "Hur E Läget Brorsan" music video is up.
Don´t forget to visit WWW.BROSHAN.COM!
The behind the scenes from the last video shooting day
for the "Hur E Läget Brorsan" music video is up.
Don´t forget to visit WWW.BROSHAN.COM!
SwagLikeThis TV - "iChronicles 1.0" Release Party! (Part 2)
Here you have, Part Two of the official iChronicles Release Party.
SwagLikeThis TV - "iChronicles 1.0" Release Party! (Part 1)

Here is the first part of Allyawans release party for
the "iChronicles 1.0" Mixtape.
Part two will be coming up in the days to come with
Hermanos Bernal ft. Camaleon Landaez, Rico Won and
Alibi from "Medina".
So keep yourself posted.
SwagLikeThis TV - Interview with SICK ART!
SwagLikeThis TV - Rigo ft TeddyBears! LIVE
This is a video from Thursday when I saw Rigo
perform Live with TeddyBears.
perform Live with TeddyBears.
DJ´ing For Pato Pooh!
Here is the video from when I had to stand in
as Pato Pooh´s DJ on a show in Gothenburg.
This was an improvised show so don´t expect
the show of your lives.
as Pato Pooh´s DJ on a show in Gothenburg.
This was an improvised show so don´t expect
the show of your lives.
Trip to Jönköping - Out Takes!
Here are some of the parts that didn´t make it
to the official video from the trip to Jönköping.
But I thought that you still would enjoy to watch it.
to the official video from the trip to Jönköping.
But I thought that you still would enjoy to watch it.
Trip to Jönköping - Video!

Here is the video footage from the trip to Jönköping!
The video shows parts from our trip and in between
the interviews I made with the guys from Bunkern.
I had to interview the guys very briefly because we
had to head back to Gothenburg.
It feels like I will have to pay them another visit any
giving time soon.
One of the members called "Fox" was missing this day
but we still had a good time and I got to hear theyr
There was so much material that we filmed that I
didn´t put in this video because it would be too long.
But I will make a new Video soon with all the out-takes
You will see 2 i Styrka talk about what he saw that scared him.
Follow us on our hunt for a lighter in Jönköping.
And some bloopers.
Trip to Pucallpa!
Februari 2009 I made a trip to Pucallpa in the Peruvian
Amazon forest.
Here is a short video that I had forgotten about
where you can see me trying alligator meat
and how some of the poeple there live.
Amazon forest.
Here is a short video that I had forgotten about
where you can see me trying alligator meat
and how some of the poeple there live.